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Mar 12, 2013. Estate Agent Signs in Cobham - Surrey - UK. to underwrite mortgages for people struggling to buy a home from first-time buyers to so-called.
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Halifax offers to pay stamp duty for first-time buyers | This is Money.
Feb 15, 2013. This Is Money's step-by-step guide explains how first-time buyers can get. and Country Mortgages, the UK's leading no-fee mortgage broker.. There will probably still be sealing and legal fees - usually around £100 to £300.
The first-time buyer's guide to getting a mortgage | This is Money.
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First-time buyers: Shortcuts to a first mortgage and buying a house.The good news is you're on firm ground with our first-time buyer mortgages. Our first-time. Calls to 0800 numbers are free when calling from a UK landline.
The latest First-time buyers articles from Your Mortgage.. explains the details of first-time buyer mortgages, as well the latest relevant mortgage news. Use our mortgage. l-c-logo-100-middle-with-border. Follow the link.
BUDGET 2013: £130billion to help housebuyers - 500,000 will.
Jan 20, 2013. Only 34 per cent of first-time buyers in the UK were able to buy their home. per cent for three years (with a £1,298 fee) up to 100 per cent LTV.
First Time Buyers: Santander - Mortgages: Santander.
Money MOT: new 100pc mortgage deal - Telegraph.